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Za sve gušteroljupce...

Za one koji koriste BTRFS snapshot-e :
Čišćenje temp direktorija:
Upravljajte računalom (YAST-om) preko weba (webYAST):
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Instalacija KDE-a 4.6.3
Kod: Označi sve
> sudo zypper ar -f KDE_4.6
> sudo zypper dup --from KDE_4.6
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Evo iskopirati ću i ovo sa starijeg posta.
Spajanje Gmail kontakata i kalendara sa KDE-om.
problem je samo na openSUSE-u koji ima neku specifičnu postavku glede proxy-a.
It seems, that by default, Opensuse 11.2 uses environment variables for the proxy-settings .
So entering "network settings -> proxy" and changing the default setting to "direct connection with the internet" solved this problem for me and everything works fine
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Dodavanje YaST stavke u status meni Gnome-a 3:

P.S. Ne koristim gnome, pa nisam probao ;)
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Kako se umrežiti sa Windows računalima...
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Nije direktno Yast, ali...
Kako uključiti boje u zypper-u
potrebno je editirati zypper.config file:
Kod: Označi sve

Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE
Kako nešto brzo i lako instalirati preko zyppera?

ili prethodno ukucati su ili prije svake naredbe sudo

potražiti paket sa se (ili search):
Kod: Označi sve
zypper se acetone

Kod: Označi sve
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                    | Summary                                                      | Type     
  | acetoneiso2             | A complete software to manage CD/DVD images rich of features | package   
  | acetoneiso2             | A complete software to manage CD/DVD images rich of features | srcpackage
  | acetoneiso2-debuginfo   | Debug information for package acetoneiso2                    | package   
  | acetoneiso2-debugsource | Debug sources for package acetoneiso2                        | package 

Željeni paket instalirati sa in (ili install):
Kod: Označi sve
zypper in acetoneiso2

Kod: Označi sve
zypper in acetoneiso2
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW packages are going to be installed:
  acetoneiso2 cdparanoia fuseiso p7zip

4 new packages to install.
Overall download size: 2.0 MiB. After the operation, additional 5.8 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/?] (y):
Retrieving package acetoneiso2-2.3-1.2.x86_64 (1/4), 983.0 KiB (1.7 MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: acetoneiso2-2.3-1.2.x86_64.rpm [done (1.5 KiB/s)]                                                                     
Installing: cdparanoia-3.10.2-13.1.2 [done]                                                                                       
Installing: fuseiso-20070708-39.1.2 [done]                                                                                         
Installing: p7zip-9.20.1-3.1.3 [done]                                                                                             
Installing: acetoneiso2-2.3-1.2 [done]
Like some other animals, the gecko can perform a neat trick when threatened by a predator: it can amputate its own tail. The dropped tail serves to distract the predator, and by losing it, the lizard can run faster.
Postovi: 4366
Postovi: 4366
Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2009, 18:46
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 86 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 148 puta
Spol: M
OS: openSUSE Leap KDE

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