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Diskusije usko vezane uz Debian distribuciju.

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pitanje je na koga.. :) zezanje.
...."Have you mooed today?"...
..It’s that time of the decade: I’m reinstalling Debian..
Postovi: 5678
Postovi: 5678
Pridružen/a: 28 vel 2009, 16:36
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 1 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 41 puta
glaskoncILLa je napisao/la:pitanje je na koga.. :) zezanje.

ovo je neka druga mitologija :D

joj pa neću ju pustiti da vozi bilo kaj nego samo provjereno.
odin je napisao/la:
glaskoncILLa je napisao/la:pa ken je vec uclanjen, pa zasto ne bi bila i ti.. :)

di ti vidiš kena?ili točnije na kaj to ciljaš? :mrgreen:

rofl rofl rofl
Nije teško biti toliko nesrećan da bi čovek počeo da pije. Ljude treba odvikavati od nesreće, a ne od alkohola. Nesreća je veći porok.
Postovi: 9952
Postovi: 9952
Pridružen/a: 12 tra 2008, 22:45
Lokacija: Rijeka
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 7 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 72 puta
Spol: M
OS: Manjaro/Endevour
The Debian Installer Team[1] is pleased to announce the Debian Installer 6.0 Alpha1. This first release since Lenny brings a lot of new features and improvements.

It is also important to note that we have disabled the Graphical
Installer, and as consequence the speakup drivers, for this release
due a breakage in the DirectFB backend of the GTK+ library. We are
working to get this fixed for next release.

As most people will have noticed, this release has taken more time than
usual. This was for various reasons that go from technical (major
changes in the installer itself and other components that affect us)
to lack of manpower to manage all the work required quickly. We really
need more people to help us and contribute; please contact us if you’re
interested in helping.

Here follows the most important new features and improvements.

Help during the installation process
- ————————————
The dialogs presented during the installation process now have the
capacity to offer the user a help option. This is already in use in some
dialogs during the installation and will be increasingly used in future
releases. We believe this will improve the user experience during the
installation process, especially for new users.

Installation of recommended packages
- ————————————
For Lenny and earlier releases Debian Installer did not install Recommends.
This has been changed for Squeeze and D-I will now install recommended
packages by default.

There is an option to configure APT to not install Recommends by default
(from the boot prompt or using preseeding). This option is intended only
for expert users who know what the consequences are of not installing
Recommends and who have the experience/skills needed to cherry-pick any
desired Recommends after the installation has been completed.

The installer makes a few specific exceptions to the general configuration
by either always or never installing the Recommends of specific packages
in cases where following the general setting gives undesired results.

Changes in selection of language/country/locale
- ———————————————–
The “localechooser” component of the installer has received some love. This
component combines selection of three values:
* language;
* location (country);
* locale.

There have been improvements to make the selection of location and locale
less interdependent and at the same time more flexible. The dialogs have
been improved to provide better guidance.

When selecting a location, users should select the “country where they
live” as the selected location determines the local time zone the
installed system will use. New is that for languages for which multiple
locales are available, the installer will then (if needed) ask which
locale the user prefers.

So, using the Squeeze installer it is now possible during default
installations to say for example “I want to use English as my language, I
live in Germany (and thus want CET as my time zone), and I prefer
en_GB.UTF-8 as my system locale”.

Selection of additional locales to be generated (including legacy locales)
is still only possible when installing in expert mode (using medium or low
debconf priority).

More flexible preseeding of language/country/locale
- —————————————————
For Lenny and earlier releases it was only possible to preseed “locale”,
which would be parsed and also set language and country. Because of this
not all possible (and valid) combinations of language/country/locale could
be selected using preseeding.

This method of preseeding localization values is still supported, but it is
now also possible to preseed language, country and locale as separate
values which does make all combinations possible.

Improved mirror selection
- ————————-
The main improvements are better support for installing oldstable and
archived releases from

Other changes:
* only displays available releases (in case of partial mirrors);
* normally displays both the codename and the suite of available releases;
* warns if the default release is not available (instead of silently
falling back to a different release);
* improved checks that the selected mirror is consistent.

Option to select the “UTC” time zone
- ————————————
This new option is only available in expert mode (or more exact: when
installing at medium or low debconf priority).

Changes in the partitioner (partman)
- ————————————
* support for using the ext4 file system;
* setting up RAID, LVM and crypto is simplified: it’s no longer required
to first set the correct usage for a partition.

Tasks changes
- ————-
Many changes have been made to package selection, plus:
* accessibility packages have been added to the GNOME task;
* the laptop task has been modernized;
* an SSH Server task has been added.

Other changes
- ————-
* installed systems get console-setup (instead of console-tools plus
* [x86] installs grub-pc (grub2) by default;
* [armel] support for Marvell’s Kirkwood platform:
– QNAP TS-110, TS-119, TS-210, TS-219 and TS-219P
– Marvell SheevaPlug
– Marvell OpenRD-Base and OpenRD-Client;
* [armel] support for Intel Storage System SS4000-E;
* compatibility support for installing Lenny.
Note that as there is no updated kernel in Lenny, the installed system
will still get the 2.6.26 kernel.

You can download the installer at our webpage[2]. All the links you
need are there – including the errata.

...."Have you mooed today?"...
..It’s that time of the decade: I’m reinstalling Debian..
Postovi: 5678
Postovi: 5678
Pridružen/a: 28 vel 2009, 16:36
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 1 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 41 puta
Može jedno pitanje za frik....ovaj napredne korisnike :D
Dali je moguće ubaciti u debian i pakete ubuntua, da imam i jedne i druge?
(ovo gore je šala, nadam se da nećete bit uvrjeđeni, al hebiga morao sam :) )
Postovi: 36
Postovi: 36
Pridružen/a: 20 vel 2010, 21:38
Lokacija: Knin
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Spol: M
OS: Arch KDEmod
Teoretski se može, ali češ praktično imati jako, jako velike probleme i vrlo vjerojanto vrlo brzo neupotrebljiv sustav. Inače, korištenje debian stable + ubuntu je kontradikcija u terminima.

Što se tiče mojeg problem sa /dev/sda i XFS-om, riješio se sa updateom udev.
Es gibt keinen Gott, kein Universum, keine menschliche Rasse, kein irdisches Leben, keinen Himmel, keine Hölle. Es ist alles ein Traum - ein grotesker und dummer Traum. Nichts existiert außer dir. Und du bist nur ein Gedanke - ein vagabundierender Gedanke, ein nutzloser Gedanke, ein heimatloser Gedanke, der verloren in der leeren Ewigkeit wandelt!
Postovi: 10322
Postovi: 10322
Pridružen/a: 07 pro 2007, 18:07
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 181 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 313 puta
Spol: Y
OS: utuntu 19.10
Mislim da smo većnegdje na forumu imali topic o miksanju debiana i ubuntu repoa.
Koliko mi poznato iz iz priča ljudi koji su probali sistem je neuporabljiva na rađe niti ne pokušavati.
Onda ni neću.
Neda mi se ponovno podešavat kad mi je sustav ovako uglađen.
Hvala na odgovorima.
Postovi: 36
Postovi: 36
Pridružen/a: 20 vel 2010, 21:38
Lokacija: Knin
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Spol: M
OS: Arch KDEmod
baterija je napisao/la:Može jedno pitanje za frik....ovaj napredne korisnike :D
Dali je moguće ubaciti u debian i pakete ubuntua, da imam i jedne i druge?
(ovo gore je šala, nadam se da nećete bit uvrjeđeni, al hebiga morao sam :) )

ako te zanimaju paketi novijeg datuma i multimedijalni paketi za stable; ( ) ( )

sto se tice bas ubuntu paketa, mislim isto kao i shirke, ucini to ako ti fali zabave u terminalu do kasnih nocnih sati.. :) ali gle, uvijek mozes probati ako nemas neko mission critical racunalo, vjerovatno bi se u slucaju problema mogao vratiti na pocetnu tocku.

ili instaliraj testing, pregrst novih paketa. :)
...."Have you mooed today?"...
..It’s that time of the decade: I’m reinstalling Debian..
Postovi: 5678
Postovi: 5678
Pridružen/a: 28 vel 2009, 16:36
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 1 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 41 puta
Hvala ali već sam se snašao za backports, uglavnom trebalo mi je zbog lošeg flash playera, koji je stalno zastajao ili čak nije htjeo prikazat sliku nego samo pustit zvuk u videima.
Sa backportsom sam stavio adobeov flash player, sad sve lijepo radi, samo šteta što mi ne blokira reklame kao onaj prijašnji na stranicama, ali nije da mi to puno znači (samo ljepše vidit stranicu).

Imali koji program za gledanje tv-a preko neta na debianu?
i radi li Autocad u wineu?
Jesam dosadan ali mi se neda otvarat nove teme po forumu.
Postovi: 36
Postovi: 36
Pridružen/a: 20 vel 2010, 21:38
Lokacija: Knin
Podijelio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Primio/la zahvalu: 0 puta
Spol: M
OS: Arch KDEmod

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